5 Home Cleaning Hacks That Work For Any Space

Home cleaning services can be quite costly. However, you could reduce the costs to manageable levels with a few hacks. In this article, we examine some of the simplest home cleaning hacks worth trying for any space. The good news about these hacks is you will not break a sweat over them. Let’s look at them below.

Newspapers in Trash

Garbage can be smelly and disease spreading. Because of this, it could leave your home feeling quite uncomfortable and unwelcoming. Deep cleaning services are the best remedy to such a condition. However, that shouldn’t cause you too much concern. One of the best solutions for this problem involves laying crumpled newspapers on the bottom of fresh garbage bags. Consequently, the newspapers will absorb all the leaks and odors!


Cleaning Walls with Dish Soap

Are you dissatisfied about your previous attempts at cleaning the walls on your property? If yes, then you may need to add dish soap to the cleaning items you use as part of your home services. Thereafter, you should use the dish soap in cleaning all the walls. What is more, you don’t even need to rinse the walls. For better results, you should combine it with:

a) White vinegar

b) Water


Removing Greasy Fingerprints with Chalk

Greasy fingerprints can be quite cumbersome to remove from the walls. They are some of the most stubborn stains till date. Fortunately, with white chalk, water, and a piece of cloth, you will be able to transform the greasy walls into spotlessly clean spaces within minutes. If you are unable to find chalk, you should consider using baby powder or cornstarch!

Silica Gel Packs

Is your home full of moisture impacting different areas? In such cases, you may struggle finding the time and tools needed for getting rid of all of them. The good news is your set of silica gel packs can prove quite adept at eradicating all that moisture. They dry stuff out by absorbing all that moisture. Better yet, you can easily carry the packs as part of your travels wherever you go!

Blending Dish Soap and Warm Water

Lastly, the blender always gets dirty! All that blending with different ingredients will leave the blender looking messy. Good news is all that untidiness disappears fast! For this to happen, you need to fill the blender with dish soap and warm water. Thereafter, turn the blender on to blend the mix. In a few seconds, your deep cleaning services will leave you with a clean blender!


Home cleaning hacks work best with the simplest solutions available right at you home. These are affordable, hassle free and deliver the best results in the shortest possible time. While one intends to look for other options to do the same cleaning tasks at home, these quick hacks can make your life sorted and much easier with a great level of satisfaction.